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Liikkeelle Net Pioneering Affordable Accessible Broadband For All

Liikkeelle Net: Pioneering Affordable, Accessible Broadband for All

Scaling Connectivity and Opportunity through Innovative Solutions

In an era marked by the transformative power of the internet, bridging the digital divide has become an imperative. Recognizing this pressing need, Liikkeelle Net has emerged as a beacon of innovation, dedicated to providing affordable and accessible broadband services to communities across Finland.

Bridging the Digital Gap with Game-Changing Technology

Leveraging Wireless Mesh Networks

Liikkeelle Net's revolutionary approach harnesses the power of wireless mesh networks, a technology that empowers communities to build and manage their own broadband infrastructure. By utilizing this distributed network architecture, Liikkeelle Net empowers citizens to take ownership of their connectivity, reducing reliance on traditional, often expensive telecommunication providers.

Community-Owned Infrastructure

Liikkeelle Net places community empowerment at the heart of its mission. The company provides communities with the tools and knowledge they need to establish and maintain their own wireless mesh networks, fostering a sense of local ownership and control over broadband infrastructure. This participatory model ensures that connectivity is tailored to the specific needs of each community.

A Catalyst for Economic and Social Progress

Unlocking Digital Opportunities

Affordable and accessible broadband has proven to be a catalyst for economic growth, social development, and educational attainment. Liikkeelle Net's initiatives unlock a world of possibilities for individuals and communities alike, empowering them to participate fully in the digital age.

Empowering Remote Communities

Remote and underserved communities often face significant barriers to broadband access. Liikkeelle Net's community-owned wireless mesh networks bridge this gap, bringing essential connectivity to areas that have historically lacked adequate infrastructure. By eliminating the digital divide, Liikkeelle Net empowers these communities to thrive and participate in the global economy.

A Model for Sustainable Connectivity

Environmental Consciousness

Liikkeelle Net's commitment to sustainability extends to its technological choices. Wireless mesh networks consume significantly less energy than traditional broadband infrastructure, reducing the environmental impact of digital connectivity. The company also emphasizes the use of renewable energy sources to power its networks, further minimizing its carbon footprint.

Long-Term Viability

Liikkeelle Net's model is designed for long-term sustainability. By empowering communities to own and manage their own broadband infrastructure, the company ensures that connectivity remains affordable and accessible for generations to come. This community-based approach fosters a sense of responsibility and investment, leading to a robust and resilient digital ecosystem.


Liikkeelle Net's pioneering efforts are transforming the digital landscape, providing affordable and accessible broadband to communities across Finland. Through its innovative use of wireless mesh networks and commitment to community ownership, the company is bridging the digital divide and unlocking a world of opportunities for all. Liikkeelle Net serves as a model for sustainable and equitable connectivity, empowering individuals and communities to fully participate in the digital age.
